Yahoo! Babel Fish

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

Miss Denisse Cruz Castañeda

These are the guides for the exam March 31st.


·         Present progressive ( I am running in the park)
·         Simple present ( I do my homework/ I don´t do my homework)

·         Vocabulary Jobs ( pilot,chef,doctor,etc.)


·         Vocabulary Noises ( snore,drop,hot,etc…)
·         Past progressive ( I was jumping/I wasn´t jumping)
·         Past progressive questions (Were they running?Yes they were)


·         Phrases ( don´t feed the animals/throw stones,keep dogs on a leash,etc)
·         Must – Mustn´t / have to – don´t have to
·         Vocabulary natural materials ( feathers, thread,clay,gold,etc…)
·         Vocabulary chess (queen,king,bishops,etc…)


·         Vocabulary camping (whistle,compass,etc…)
·         IF (If you give me a candy I give you a kiss)
·         Make (Chef makes the food in the restaurant)
·         Verbs in oast and past participle ( go – went – gone)

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